Monday, October 18, 2010

Sikker forkortet URL via

Er det ikke var mere en rigeligt at få en service via Google der forkorter lange besværlige link URL navne. Hvad sikkerheden når man trykker på et link, hvor sikkert er det? og stoler du på udgiver?

Google url shortener stiller både en link forkortet og en sikker service tilrådighed som tilmed blåstempler linket for beskyttelse imod malware, phishing og spam ved at anvende samme industri ledende teknologi som Google anvender i sine søgemaskine og andre tjenester.

  • Stability: We’ve had near 100% uptime since our initial launch, and we’ve worked behind the scenes to make even stabler and more robust.

  • Security: We’ve added automatic spam detection based on the same type of filtering technology we use in Gmail.

  • Speed: We’ve more than doubled our speed in just over nine months.


  • Sunday, October 17, 2010

    Lives of Others. By Glen Yeoh.

    Vi deltager i teater projektet, der vil komme billeder og video samt en længere historie...

    Lives of Others. By Glen Yeoh.
    Explore the boundaries of private, fetishistic or fringe behaviour made legitimate within the confines of the car. The occupants are visible to the world but protected by the warm embrace of steel and glass. A place where you can let your guard down and embrace the private that was previously reserved for "behind closed doors".


    A surreal take on a 1950s 'Drive-In' movie theatre combining performance with film. Carlsberg's Nytap space will be transformed with 10 junk car based, micro performance installations running throughout the evening. There will also be surprise performances outside the cars. Make sure you look up...
    See all 10 shows or enjoy a drink at the Drive-In Dive Bar. Wunderkammer is happy to be working with a diverse group of artists from Denmark, France, Brazil, the UK, Australia and more.

    PREMIERES 14TH OCTOBER and runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights until the 13th November.

    Saturday, October 2, 2010

    G.U.R.U. Rest in Peace

    af Kasper Fischer

    Jeg fandt den her super fede freestyle fra Det Store Mix på P3 med GURU.
    Det er nok et af de bedste freestyles jeg har hørt fra ham og han er tilsynladende også selv rimelig tilfreds, for han be'r om en kopi af det til sidst...

    Sonny B på pladespil